Condenser Microphones Capsule core Cartridge for Wireless Wired Handheld Microphones Clear Sound TL39
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World Class Professional Replacement
Condenser Microphones Capsule core Cartridge
for Wireless Wired Handheld Microphones Clear sound
Brand New
MSRP: $99.00
Professional Condenser microphone Capsule . (look at photo)
For vocal, Instrument, speech, dance and sport applications etc. ... ...
With packing box.
Brand: MiCWL
Mode Name: TL-39
Type: Condenser
Weight: 48g
Output impedance: 680Ω
Sensitivity: -45±3dB RL=2.2K Ω
Vs=1.5V (1KHz 0dB=1V/Pa )
Frequency Response: 50-13000 Hz

Real Picture:

One Year Warranty Covered by MICWL Audio Inc.